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Welcome to the official website of Tommy James Peters! You will find the newest artworks and dates for upcoming exhibitions.

Willkommen auf der offiziellen Seite von Tommy James Peters. Hier finden Sie die neuesten Werke, sowie Termine und Informationen für anstehende Ausstellungen.


-Mushroom Jesus-

360 x 160 cm, Acrylic on canvas

A christ like angel with chakraflames on it´s body raises from the earth, worne by the double helix, is radiating consciousness representing eyes from it´s wings, which fuse to bigger eyes and finally form together gods big all seeing eye; the pupil is also the angels halo, it´s upper wings and the sun.

On UV-light her body turns into the cosmos and she becomes Ishtar, the babylonian goddess of war and love with her crown of thorns; is ruling over the world and sending life spending DNA to it:

-Leave Time for Love-

360 x 160 cm, Acrylic on canvas

Mushroom Jesus turns into the kabbalistic tree of life, his wings into the opposite but similar forces in the cosmos that hold the earth in place. The Heartchakra turns into a flaming heart on earth, from which a pinecone-sperm flys upwards to Planet X. Surrounded is this by six circles which thematise the connection between the pentagram and the golden ratio. The two Tetragramatons on top and below the tree of life represent the everlasting cycle of existence:

-The Babylonian Tree of Life-

360 x 160 cm

Israeli scientist discovered in the region where Moses got the 10 commandments a sort of acacia tree which contains DMT. That could mean that Moses didn´t saw a burning bush, but rather smoked one. Acording to israeli scholars was Yahweh actualy the Tretragrammaton which became the inspiration for the star of David, which then gave Moses the 10 commandments. Not in form of two stoneplates, but actually two hexagonal pyramide shaped saphires on which the commandments were written circular around them in gold. That could mean that all three big worldreligions are based on one singular psychedelic expirience.

Tree of Life (HQ) small.jpg
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